Wednesday, 12 September 2012


My favourite things to do are the things we do together.
This is not a new thing! My favourite holidays have been the car trips where John, Sian, Jake and myself were all in the car together for a road trip. In the year 2000 I took long service leave and we travelled up through the middle of New South Wales, into Queensland and then back down the east coast. It was fantastic!!
There were many highlights on that trip! The joy and excitement on the kids' faces when they realised that, at the tender ages of 9 and 10, they were allowed to pilot the the little golf buggy that took us around the Dubbo zoo. The fun they had in the pool with cousins they barely knew on the Gold Coast. The thrill of the rides at the theme parks in Queensland. The brilliant fireworks display at The Entrance that heralded the arrival of the Paralympics torch. The tick found in Jake's hair at Port Macquarie. Missing school!!!
Three years later we did a road trip around Tasmania, again with all four of us. And again, these were great times with lots of laughs and fun together. There was the adventure (and then the boredom) of the trip on "The Spirit of Tasmania". There was the joy of seeing all the little baby sea dragons at Beauty Point and the ensuing desire to have one for a pet. There was the encounter with the funny Frenchman at Bicheno and the humourous discoveries made amidst the tiny Hobart display in Richmond.
They were great times...together!
Even mundane things like gardening and cooking are better if done together.
I still love those 'together' trips...there may be less of us but the 'togetherness' is still delightful!

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