Saturday, 18 August 2012


I have a confession to make to some of my friends and family members.
If there have been times during the past 15 months when I have appeared distant and uncaring I apologise. I know that there have been times when you too have worries and concerns and have needed someone to lean on and to help shoulder your concerns. I am also aware that at times I have been less than helpful and it may have seemed that I couldn't care less.
I do care!
My family and my friends are my world and I hate seeing you upset. But, although I may always appear to be strong and capable there have been many times when I am barely holding it all together. During these times I am merely holding everything on the 'inside' and carefully choosing my battles so that my road is as smooth as possible. Otherwise, the bubble would burst and all that is on the 'inside' would come pouring out in a flurry of emotion. I can't do that to myself or to you!
But, it doesn't mean I want you to stop telling me your troubles or letting me know how you feel. I care...a lot! And I need you to keep me in the loop. It reminds me that the world hasn't stopped and that others need me as much as I need you!
Thank you all for being there when I need you...and for making me feel needed!!

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