Friday, 3 August 2012


When our kids were little John made a "House Money Box" with the intention that it would be used for Christmas holiday spending money....only to be opened once a year.
It was about 60 or 70 cm tall with light blue walls and a red roof. It had two windows downstairs and two upstairs. Each window housed a coin for each family member. The idea was that any time you had coins in the bottom of your wallet you would transfer them to your 'window' in the House.
My 'window' always ended up with the least number of 'coins' in it because I was the one always handing my spare change to the kids to pay for lunch orders, excursions, basketball, brownies, badminton, etc. It just seemed to disappear as soon as it appeared!
In more recent years the back of the box always had evidence of tampering and very few 'coins' could be found in it. Hmmm...I have my suspicions, and it involves an angel of the not-so-angelic variety! xxx

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