Friday, 17 August 2012


There are many faces associated with the union of John and I in marriage, which happened twenty-six years ago today.
We both had friends who have remained in our lives and who have become 'our' friends rather than 'my' friends or 'his' friends. But we have also made some good friends together.
Through the loss of our beautiful twin boys we have met Peter and Pauline. They have become firm friends and share an empathy that only those who have lost children can really understand. They were introduced to us through Sue Gleeson who was their midwife when they too lost twins and who just happened to be married to my cousin. Thank you has become a lovely friendship.
We have met Geoff and Julie and Anthony and Janet all for the same reason...they too know what it is like to lose a child!
We also have the privilege of becoming friends with Helene who was our midwife during the birth of our twins and who went on to become not just a friend but a support person for John during the births of Sian and Jake.
These 'faces' have become a part of our lives!
It is our 26th wedding anniversary today which brings to mind a lovely story involving a 'face'.
This time 26 years ago we thought we had just become Mr and Mrs Van Berlo. We were wrong! We had just become Mr and Mrs Berlo. But, at this particular time of night we were driving back to Melbourne in the sleet and rain with my parents-in-law on board!! They didn't drive and needed a ride back to Fitzroy. We were staying in our own home that night prior to catching a plane to Lord Howe Island the next morning.
Unbeknownst to us, John's brother Mick had broken into our car during our wedding and poured confetti down the heating vents. But, because our little Sigma was full of people that night we had no reason to use the heater. We then left the car in the care of my brother Mick for the duration of our honeymoon.
But, while we were sunning it up on Lord Howe Island Mick was driving my car down Swanston St in the city. It was cold so he turned on the heater...and copped a 'face' full of confetti!
Very funny!  He then felt obliged to clean the car before we got back and we returned to a clean car with no sign of confetti!
It has certainly been a tumultuous 26 years but there is no-one on Earth who I would rather have by my side during all the ups and downs.
Here's to the next 26 years!!

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