Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Today I overheard someone say that the parents of the Cinema shooter in the USA "should be hung, drawn and quartered along with their son!"
I couldn't believe what I was hearing!! The hearts of those poor parents must be ripped in two! They would be absolutely devastated knowing what their son has done to the victims and their families but also, they too would be heartbroken as, in effect, they have lost their son! I can only think that the person making this statement has no heart!
Does that mean that parents are responsible for every action taken by their children? Don't get me wrong...some parents don't deserve their children! But surely we can only guide them, love them with all our hearts, discipline them when necessary and then set them free to take on the world as they reach adulthood. We can then only hope that the things we have taught them and the love we have heaped upon them will guide them on the right path. Yes, sometimes we have to stand back and let them make mistakes in order that they learn from them ...and I know only too well that there are some mistakes that reach a point of no return! But if, in all good conscience, you know that you have done your very best to instil good values and love and righteousness in your children, then that is the best that a parent can do. There should be no blame placed on parents who have given their 'heart'!
I don't know the circumstances surrounding this boy's upbringing but don't be too quick to blame a grieving parent without first knowing all the facts!
Have a heart!

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