Friday, 20 July 2012


I was always very proud of the fact that I had 20/20 vision. I remember going to the optometrist with Jake and realising that he had such poor eyesight that what I could see from 36 metres away, he would have to be 6 metres away!! That just blew me away. How could those gorgeous blue, blue eyes be so ineffective? He wore glasses for distance work from the age of seven but by the time he was about eleven or twelve he found that he was better off wearing them all the time. Then, his basketball became so important to him that he decided to get contact lenses. As he pointed out...without them he couldn't even see the scoreboard!! It amazed me that he was one of the main scorers for the team and on many occasions scored the greatest percentage of goals. How he did that with such limited vision I will never know!
John also wears glasses. Not long after we were married we were driving along and John kept commenting on the strange speed limits. I could see nothing unusual about them but when I asked him what was strange about them he replied, " It just seems silly to put the speed limit at 101." The limit was 100 but he was seeing double...or something!! It was time to see the optometrist!!
Sian wears glasses for distance work such as seeing the screen or the whiteboard at uni, watching TV, etc. She is one of the lucky few who look great in glasses. They really suit her!!
My optometrist told me that 95% of people need glasses for reading by the time they reach the age of 50. I was determined to be one of the 5% who didn't need them!! No such luck! At the age of 49 and 10 months I was told that I needed reading glasses. I have a very mild prescription but it doesn't matter...I didn't win!! Bugger!!!

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