Tuesday, 24 July 2012


A stranger once pointed at my tantrum-throwing two year old daughter and told me that she would grow to be a lovely teenager. And she did!!
Two beautiful strangers once walked into my house bearing sympathy, flowers and memories of the fun times they had with my son on the Gold Coast during schoolies week. I couldn't believe that these two young girls had taken the time and effort to drive all the way from Melbourne just to sit and chat for twenty minutes with a grieving Mum, whom they had never met.
A complete stranger once got off a tram in Amsterdam and carried my suitcase for a block and a half before returning to the tram and his awaiting passengers. Yes, he was the driver!!!
A complete stranger once sat beside me on a train from Melbourne and regaled me with tales of woe and sarcasm regarding teachers and their inadequacies!!
A stranger once read my thumbprint and told me that I would produce three beautiful sons! She was Chinese and daughters didn't really figure in her outlook. But, she was right about the three sons...and they were beautiful!!
As you can see, strangers can be a source of joy and the occasional cynicism...but mostly, people continue to amaze me in their capacity to care! It's a good world!!

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