Funny how toothbrushes were purchased for all of Jake's school camps and they always came home in mint condition!!
However, being a teacher I know that this is a common occurrence especially amongst the boys. I suppose it has something to do with the fact that the bossy female teachers couldn't go into the boys bathrooms...although the threat of doing so was always enough to speed up the tardy ones! We even threatened to smell their armpits at one stage as all their soap containers were unopened. (Believe me, I wouldn't really stoop that low!)
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Monday, 30 July 2012
Today marks one year since we moved into our current home and, after moving in with a bit of a blast (literally), all is calm in this lovely abode.
Our moving day was the easiest we have ever had thanks to a bevy of helpers including 10 of Jake's mates. They turned up at our house with utes and trailers and muscles and we were all moved in by lunchtime. Don't ever let anyone tell you that the youth of today are a bunch of useless no-hopers! These boys rallied around us and each other in times of enormous need. They are all different but they all have hearts of absolute gold!
Admittedly, all was not 'calm' after the "Lemon Gun Incident" as the Firearms Squad turned up from Melbourne which set a few hearts racing. But, the boys again supported each other as I tried, in vain, to 'calm' the policeman's questioning tactics.
In a couple of weeks we will 'celebrate' Jake's 21st birthday. I know that my heart will not be 'calm' and the day will be emotionally tough. Again, we have asked these 'mates' to join us for a lunchtime BBQ. We will commemorate the birth of our beautiful boy with friends and family. We will resurrect the memories of fun times and, again, we will probably hear things we don't need to know about the antics of our boy and his friends.
But, it is something we have to do! His life is worth celebrating even though it was short!
I know the decision to do this is the right one and just hope that the day is as 'calm' as it can possibly be!
Our moving day was the easiest we have ever had thanks to a bevy of helpers including 10 of Jake's mates. They turned up at our house with utes and trailers and muscles and we were all moved in by lunchtime. Don't ever let anyone tell you that the youth of today are a bunch of useless no-hopers! These boys rallied around us and each other in times of enormous need. They are all different but they all have hearts of absolute gold!
Admittedly, all was not 'calm' after the "Lemon Gun Incident" as the Firearms Squad turned up from Melbourne which set a few hearts racing. But, the boys again supported each other as I tried, in vain, to 'calm' the policeman's questioning tactics.
In a couple of weeks we will 'celebrate' Jake's 21st birthday. I know that my heart will not be 'calm' and the day will be emotionally tough. Again, we have asked these 'mates' to join us for a lunchtime BBQ. We will commemorate the birth of our beautiful boy with friends and family. We will resurrect the memories of fun times and, again, we will probably hear things we don't need to know about the antics of our boy and his friends.
But, it is something we have to do! His life is worth celebrating even though it was short!
I know the decision to do this is the right one and just hope that the day is as 'calm' as it can possibly be!
Saturday, 28 July 2012
The last thing I bought was breakfast for the three of us!! John and I have decided that we need to be more spontaneous as we must be way too boring for Sian who is young and needs vibrant, young-at-heart people in her life...not boring old farts like us!!!
So, this morning we had breakfast at Middels and it was very pleasant and very yummy! I was a little bit jealous of the breakfast that Sian ordered though, so I will have to have that next time!! (Not that we could afford to do it every weekend!)
I had the French toast with berry compote which was absolutely beautiful. But, Sian had the Vegetarian set which was poached eggs on foccacia, avocado and spinach. It looked delicious!
Definitely worth doing every now and then!!
So, this morning we had breakfast at Middels and it was very pleasant and very yummy! I was a little bit jealous of the breakfast that Sian ordered though, so I will have to have that next time!! (Not that we could afford to do it every weekend!)
I had the French toast with berry compote which was absolutely beautiful. But, Sian had the Vegetarian set which was poached eggs on foccacia, avocado and spinach. It looked delicious!
Definitely worth doing every now and then!!
I love a good, strong cup of tea with a tiny drop of milk. It is almost black but not quite! Actually I can drink it black but that little drop of milk makes all the difference!
However, it is only a good cup of tea if it meets all of the above requirements AND it's in a fine bone china mug! Don't you hate it when you go to stay in a good hotel and they have those awful, thick-rimmed cups with the tiny handles to drink from? I think they do it on purpose as they know no-one in their right mind would bother to steal them! Very unpleasant!
I am not a coffee drinker at all these days!! I used to have the occasional cup of coffee but I have never liked the after-taste!
John and I both have our favourite mugs from which we drink our tea. I have placed a photo of four 'cups' sitting on our kitchen bench. There is one belonging to each of us (myself, John and Sian) and one which belonged to Jake.
Can you pick which 'cup' belongs to which person?
However, it is only a good cup of tea if it meets all of the above requirements AND it's in a fine bone china mug! Don't you hate it when you go to stay in a good hotel and they have those awful, thick-rimmed cups with the tiny handles to drink from? I think they do it on purpose as they know no-one in their right mind would bother to steal them! Very unpleasant!
I am not a coffee drinker at all these days!! I used to have the occasional cup of coffee but I have never liked the after-taste!
John and I both have our favourite mugs from which we drink our tea. I have placed a photo of four 'cups' sitting on our kitchen bench. There is one belonging to each of us (myself, John and Sian) and one which belonged to Jake.
Friday, 27 July 2012
My favourite sort of holiday is the one where you get to just drive a little bit here and there and stop a few times at places that take your fancy before you are 'on the road' again!
I remember we did this when Sian was 10 and Jake was 9. We went up through the middle of New South Wales to the Gold Coast and then we took our time coming home via the coast. It was a fantastic holiday!! We all loved it!
We have some great memories from that holiday, too!
I remember we were all taught how to throw a boomerang when we were in Dubbo. The kids had made their own and burnt patterns into them before we were all lead out on to a field to practise our throws. The kids were SO good at it and had tears rolling down their faces at my efforts. I think I managed to kill a nearby power pole and that was it...and my boomerang didn't come back. It just killed the pole and then sat there on the ground at the foot of the pole like a stunned mullet.
Jake and Sian had their first 'driving' experience at the Dubbo zoo where they had little golf buggies to tour the zoo in.
At The Entrance on the way home we arrived just as the paralympics torch runners were going through the town. The town had celebratory fireworks and festivities that night which were amazing as they were done from a boat out over the water. Beautiful!!
At Kiama I thought a giant stingray was going to swim away with my son. Jake was fishing off the jetty with John when Sian and I noticed a ray skimming the sand at the bottom of the jetty. We yelled just in time for Jake to pull his line in. It was an awesome sight though!! It was massive!
At Port Macquarie, I discovered a tick on Jake's head. I was pretty sure it was already dead but didn't know enough about them to be sure. So, I rang the local hospital who said we had to bring him in straight away!! It was quite scary as I knew the consequences that these little buggers could cause. They removed it and confirmed my suspicions that it was already dead. We were told that he was very lucky the tick had died before it could cause any harm! We had been to the koala hospital in the afternoon where it was suspected Jake had picked up the tick. Jake had come to me for a cuddle on the couch and I was rubbing his head when I felt a strange lump. Wouldn't have thought to check otherwise!
We also did a road trip holiday to Tasmania a few years later. I think that trip suited John and I a little better but it was still a great family holiday!
I like being 'on the road'.
I remember we did this when Sian was 10 and Jake was 9. We went up through the middle of New South Wales to the Gold Coast and then we took our time coming home via the coast. It was a fantastic holiday!! We all loved it!
We have some great memories from that holiday, too!
I remember we were all taught how to throw a boomerang when we were in Dubbo. The kids had made their own and burnt patterns into them before we were all lead out on to a field to practise our throws. The kids were SO good at it and had tears rolling down their faces at my efforts. I think I managed to kill a nearby power pole and that was it...and my boomerang didn't come back. It just killed the pole and then sat there on the ground at the foot of the pole like a stunned mullet.
Jake and Sian had their first 'driving' experience at the Dubbo zoo where they had little golf buggies to tour the zoo in.
At The Entrance on the way home we arrived just as the paralympics torch runners were going through the town. The town had celebratory fireworks and festivities that night which were amazing as they were done from a boat out over the water. Beautiful!!
At Kiama I thought a giant stingray was going to swim away with my son. Jake was fishing off the jetty with John when Sian and I noticed a ray skimming the sand at the bottom of the jetty. We yelled just in time for Jake to pull his line in. It was an awesome sight though!! It was massive!
At Port Macquarie, I discovered a tick on Jake's head. I was pretty sure it was already dead but didn't know enough about them to be sure. So, I rang the local hospital who said we had to bring him in straight away!! It was quite scary as I knew the consequences that these little buggers could cause. They removed it and confirmed my suspicions that it was already dead. We were told that he was very lucky the tick had died before it could cause any harm! We had been to the koala hospital in the afternoon where it was suspected Jake had picked up the tick. Jake had come to me for a cuddle on the couch and I was rubbing his head when I felt a strange lump. Wouldn't have thought to check otherwise!
We also did a road trip holiday to Tasmania a few years later. I think that trip suited John and I a little better but it was still a great family holiday!
I like being 'on the road'.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Experts tell us that sunshine helps to make us feel better about our world. Apparently a dull day can make a person feel down and out. I think there is some truth in that and I know from watching my loved ones who have suffered from depression that their 'black dog' is more likely to rear it's ugly head in winter.
I had to laugh tonight during a parent/teacher interview when one parent congratulated me on having all the classroom blinds up. She said that her child had gone home and told her that he was getting lots of Vitamin D in the classroom because the sunshine pours in through the windows. That 'little darling' deserves an A+!!! He listens and learns!
The house we now live in was chosen by all three of us as soon as we walked in because the sunshine pours in to the family room and makes the house feel 'happy'! See, it even works for houses!
I love days that are filled with sunshine but I am not a fan of summer!! I hate the heat and much prefer a day where the sunshine just warms the soul and makes you want to get out and enjoy life!!
I had to laugh tonight during a parent/teacher interview when one parent congratulated me on having all the classroom blinds up. She said that her child had gone home and told her that he was getting lots of Vitamin D in the classroom because the sunshine pours in through the windows. That 'little darling' deserves an A+!!! He listens and learns!
The house we now live in was chosen by all three of us as soon as we walked in because the sunshine pours in to the family room and makes the house feel 'happy'! See, it even works for houses!
I love days that are filled with sunshine but I am not a fan of summer!! I hate the heat and much prefer a day where the sunshine just warms the soul and makes you want to get out and enjoy life!!
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Today I overheard someone say that the parents of the Cinema shooter in the USA "should be hung, drawn and quartered along with their son!"
I couldn't believe what I was hearing!! The hearts of those poor parents must be ripped in two! They would be absolutely devastated knowing what their son has done to the victims and their families but also, they too would be heartbroken as, in effect, they have lost their son! I can only think that the person making this statement has no heart!
Does that mean that parents are responsible for every action taken by their children? Don't get me wrong...some parents don't deserve their children! But surely we can only guide them, love them with all our hearts, discipline them when necessary and then set them free to take on the world as they reach adulthood. We can then only hope that the things we have taught them and the love we have heaped upon them will guide them on the right path. Yes, sometimes we have to stand back and let them make mistakes in order that they learn from them ...and I know only too well that there are some mistakes that reach a point of no return! But if, in all good conscience, you know that you have done your very best to instil good values and love and righteousness in your children, then that is the best that a parent can do. There should be no blame placed on parents who have given their 'heart'!
I don't know the circumstances surrounding this boy's upbringing but don't be too quick to blame a grieving parent without first knowing all the facts!
Have a heart!
I couldn't believe what I was hearing!! The hearts of those poor parents must be ripped in two! They would be absolutely devastated knowing what their son has done to the victims and their families but also, they too would be heartbroken as, in effect, they have lost their son! I can only think that the person making this statement has no heart!
Does that mean that parents are responsible for every action taken by their children? Don't get me wrong...some parents don't deserve their children! But surely we can only guide them, love them with all our hearts, discipline them when necessary and then set them free to take on the world as they reach adulthood. We can then only hope that the things we have taught them and the love we have heaped upon them will guide them on the right path. Yes, sometimes we have to stand back and let them make mistakes in order that they learn from them ...and I know only too well that there are some mistakes that reach a point of no return! But if, in all good conscience, you know that you have done your very best to instil good values and love and righteousness in your children, then that is the best that a parent can do. There should be no blame placed on parents who have given their 'heart'!
I don't know the circumstances surrounding this boy's upbringing but don't be too quick to blame a grieving parent without first knowing all the facts!
Have a heart!
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
A stranger once pointed at my tantrum-throwing two year old daughter and told me that she would grow to be a lovely teenager. And she did!!
Two beautiful strangers once walked into my house bearing sympathy, flowers and memories of the fun times they had with my son on the Gold Coast during schoolies week. I couldn't believe that these two young girls had taken the time and effort to drive all the way from Melbourne just to sit and chat for twenty minutes with a grieving Mum, whom they had never met.
A complete stranger once got off a tram in Amsterdam and carried my suitcase for a block and a half before returning to the tram and his awaiting passengers. Yes, he was the driver!!!
A complete stranger once sat beside me on a train from Melbourne and regaled me with tales of woe and sarcasm regarding teachers and their inadequacies!!
A stranger once read my thumbprint and told me that I would produce three beautiful sons! She was Chinese and daughters didn't really figure in her outlook. But, she was right about the three sons...and they were beautiful!!
As you can see, strangers can be a source of joy and the occasional cynicism...but mostly, people continue to amaze me in their capacity to care! It's a good world!!
Two beautiful strangers once walked into my house bearing sympathy, flowers and memories of the fun times they had with my son on the Gold Coast during schoolies week. I couldn't believe that these two young girls had taken the time and effort to drive all the way from Melbourne just to sit and chat for twenty minutes with a grieving Mum, whom they had never met.
A complete stranger once got off a tram in Amsterdam and carried my suitcase for a block and a half before returning to the tram and his awaiting passengers. Yes, he was the driver!!!
A complete stranger once sat beside me on a train from Melbourne and regaled me with tales of woe and sarcasm regarding teachers and their inadequacies!!
A stranger once read my thumbprint and told me that I would produce three beautiful sons! She was Chinese and daughters didn't really figure in her outlook. But, she was right about the three sons...and they were beautiful!!
As you can see, strangers can be a source of joy and the occasional cynicism...but mostly, people continue to amaze me in their capacity to care! It's a good world!!
Monday, 23 July 2012
Mirrors have a part in our lives whether we like it or not!!
We have photos of Jake when he was about 15years old and he is the mirror image of his Dad at the same age. The resemblance was uncanny! So much so that even Jake could see it and would often jokingly say, "I need plastic surgery, NOW!!"
Our children have spent many, many hours in front of a mirror primping and preening and "making themselves beautiful". No amount of talking could make them see that they had already achieved their goal without even trying!
I remember one of Jake's Friday night forays which was supposed to be finished by midnight...(that was the rule!!)...where four girls had headed through the house to the bathroom giggling and squealing and giving Sian the shits! They had obviously had too much to drink and were very unsteady on heels that defied gravity! Next minute there was an almighty scream from the bathroom. One of the girls had perched on the edge of the bath in order to see her legs in the mirror!! In high heels??? What was she thinking??
The mirror also tells a thousand truths! We cannot hide the fact that we
are getting older...the lines around the eyes are permanently etched on
our faces instead of just revealing themselves after a night of
partying or feeding a hungry baby. However, I have discovered the reason for failing eyesight in our more mature's so you can't see all the little imperfections that appear in the mirror. It's as though they are not really there!!!

Many, many photos have been taken in front of our mirrors. These are just a few!
We have photos of Jake when he was about 15years old and he is the mirror image of his Dad at the same age. The resemblance was uncanny! So much so that even Jake could see it and would often jokingly say, "I need plastic surgery, NOW!!"
Our children have spent many, many hours in front of a mirror primping and preening and "making themselves beautiful". No amount of talking could make them see that they had already achieved their goal without even trying!

Many, many photos have been taken in front of our mirrors. These are just a few!
Sunday, 22 July 2012
In the past year and a bit our lives have been turned upside down.
We live in a different house.
Sian has started a new Uni course.
I have reduced my work hours to three days a week.
I have gone from teaching upper primary to teaching infants again.
We have officially changed our names from Johnny and Ann-Maree Berlo to John and Ann-Maree Van Berlo.
And, we no longer have Jake in our lives!
Instead, we have only three people living in our house, only three people sitting at our table, no-one coming home at 5 o'clock on Saturday mornings, only three cars in the driveway, snacks that last for days or even weeks in the pantry and a fridge full of leftovers.
Memories have taken over our minds and every little thing we do or say can bring back a flood of reminders of a world that was 'right way up!!'
We live in a different house.
Sian has started a new Uni course.
I have reduced my work hours to three days a week.
I have gone from teaching upper primary to teaching infants again.
We have officially changed our names from Johnny and Ann-Maree Berlo to John and Ann-Maree Van Berlo.
And, we no longer have Jake in our lives!
Instead, we have only three people living in our house, only three people sitting at our table, no-one coming home at 5 o'clock on Saturday mornings, only three cars in the driveway, snacks that last for days or even weeks in the pantry and a fridge full of leftovers.
Memories have taken over our minds and every little thing we do or say can bring back a flood of reminders of a world that was 'right way up!!'
Saturday, 21 July 2012
"It's 9 o'clock on a Saturday..."
...and we are all at home!! John and I lead a very boring life but Sian is usually out and about by this time on a Saturday night. Not tonight...she is having an early night!!
9 o'clock has always been early in the eyes of my kids. It seems like its just not cool to go out any earlier than about 10 or 10.30! The 'Sporty' is not really a consideration until about 12.45am...I think you have to be in the door before 1am.
For me, 9 o'clock means the start of the school day..for the kids that is!! It means a bell to signal the start of learning and routines. It means its well and truly time to get out of my dressing gown on a Saturday or Sunday morning.
I have never known any other professional world apart from that of the classroom, so 9 o'clock is a big part of my world and of who I am.
...and we are all at home!! John and I lead a very boring life but Sian is usually out and about by this time on a Saturday night. Not tonight...she is having an early night!!
9 o'clock has always been early in the eyes of my kids. It seems like its just not cool to go out any earlier than about 10 or 10.30! The 'Sporty' is not really a consideration until about 12.45am...I think you have to be in the door before 1am.
For me, 9 o'clock means the start of the school day..for the kids that is!! It means a bell to signal the start of learning and routines. It means its well and truly time to get out of my dressing gown on a Saturday or Sunday morning.
I have never known any other professional world apart from that of the classroom, so 9 o'clock is a big part of my world and of who I am.
Friday, 20 July 2012
I was always very proud of the fact that I had 20/20 vision. I remember going to the optometrist with Jake and realising that he had such poor eyesight that what I could see from 36 metres away, he would have to be 6 metres away!! That just blew me away. How could those gorgeous blue, blue eyes be so ineffective? He wore glasses for distance work from the age of seven but by the time he was about eleven or twelve he found that he was better off wearing them all the time. Then, his basketball became so important to him that he decided to get contact lenses. As he pointed out...without them he couldn't even see the scoreboard!! It amazed me that he was one of the main scorers for the team and on many occasions scored the greatest percentage of goals. How he did that with such limited vision I will never know!
John also wears glasses. Not long after we were married we were driving along and John kept commenting on the strange speed limits. I could see nothing unusual about them but when I asked him what was strange about them he replied, " It just seems silly to put the speed limit at 101." The limit was 100 but he was seeing double...or something!! It was time to see the optometrist!!
Sian wears glasses for distance work such as seeing the screen or the whiteboard at uni, watching TV, etc. She is one of the lucky few who look great in glasses. They really suit her!!
My optometrist told me that 95% of people need glasses for reading by the time they reach the age of 50. I was determined to be one of the 5% who didn't need them!! No such luck! At the age of 49 and 10 months I was told that I needed reading glasses. I have a very mild prescription but it doesn't matter...I didn't win!! Bugger!!!
John also wears glasses. Not long after we were married we were driving along and John kept commenting on the strange speed limits. I could see nothing unusual about them but when I asked him what was strange about them he replied, " It just seems silly to put the speed limit at 101." The limit was 100 but he was seeing double...or something!! It was time to see the optometrist!!
Sian wears glasses for distance work such as seeing the screen or the whiteboard at uni, watching TV, etc. She is one of the lucky few who look great in glasses. They really suit her!!
My optometrist told me that 95% of people need glasses for reading by the time they reach the age of 50. I was determined to be one of the 5% who didn't need them!! No such luck! At the age of 49 and 10 months I was told that I needed reading glasses. I have a very mild prescription but it doesn't matter...I didn't win!! Bugger!!!
Thursday, 19 July 2012
We've been through a few pets!! Sad, but true!!
First, John had Jacob the cat when we first met!! I have never liked cats but was prepared to put up with him until he decided that the cots we had set up for the twins were the best places to sleep. So, he went to live with John's parents and ended his days being spoilt rotten in a nursing home for the elderly! They loved him!!!
Then, we had Cal from the Lost Dogs Home but when we moved into a terrace house in North Carlton we 'donated' him to Mum and Dad in Neerim South because a pocket-sized backyard is not big enough for any dog. He ended up having a fight with the 'traffic' on the main road where they live. Cal lost!
The kids had goldfish and hermit crabs, too.
We got our next little dog when we lived in Coburg, not long before the twins were born. He was presented to me in a Bailey's Irish cream box. He was also with us for many years and was loved by Sian and Jake as well as us!! Bran was involved in a cricketing mishap when he was fielding in a backyard cricket match and he suffered the occasional seizure after that. But, he was very cute and lived to be quite old (in dog terms).
We had Sooty the shih tzu until she came on heat and went back to her breeder. From her first litter we brought Alfie home. He was with us for many years until old age got the better of him and blindness and incontinence disabled him. He was a beautiful dog and much loved by us all.
Sian loved rabbits and even had one trained to walk on a lead. Our little Alfie used to sleep on the back step with Benjamin bunny. They were best mates.
We missed having a dog after Alfie died so we drove to the other side of Kilmore to pick up Charlie the cavitzu. He was SO cute but we only had him a few weeks and he had to be put down after a nasty accident in our backyard. We all cried a lot that day!!
Then came Snoop who is almost 3 years old. He has been through all our ups and downs and just loves us ...and any visitors we have!! He has been a constant companion in our times of grief and just loves to snuggle beside us or on the couch where he can stay warm and still see or hear us. He knew something was amiss after Jake died and spent many hours sitting outside Jake's bedroom door just waiting!! He lost his appetite and started shedding hair in clumps!! It was very sad. So, just after Christmas, we bought a companion for Snoop thinking that might help him to recover his original enthusiasm. Rosie the Golden Cocker Spaniel came home on a trial for a month. But, she was very domineering and only made Snoop worse so we found her a lovely home nearby. However, just having Rosie for that month was enough to jolt Snoop back to reality and he is now back to his old self.
He has annoying habits (don't we all?) such as getting over-excited when visitors first arrive or gross habits such as knicker-licking!! He steals dirty knickers out of the washing basket!!! Eww!!
But I wouldn't be without him!
It's great to have a dog....they just love you unconditionally!
First, John had Jacob the cat when we first met!! I have never liked cats but was prepared to put up with him until he decided that the cots we had set up for the twins were the best places to sleep. So, he went to live with John's parents and ended his days being spoilt rotten in a nursing home for the elderly! They loved him!!!
Then, we had Cal from the Lost Dogs Home but when we moved into a terrace house in North Carlton we 'donated' him to Mum and Dad in Neerim South because a pocket-sized backyard is not big enough for any dog. He ended up having a fight with the 'traffic' on the main road where they live. Cal lost!
The kids had goldfish and hermit crabs, too.
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Bran with Jake and Simon. Simon doesn't look too sure! |
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Bran involved in a game of fun! |
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Playing cubbies with Bran in a fridge box. |
We had Sooty the shih tzu until she came on heat and went back to her breeder. From her first litter we brought Alfie home. He was with us for many years until old age got the better of him and blindness and incontinence disabled him. He was a beautiful dog and much loved by us all.
Sian loved rabbits and even had one trained to walk on a lead. Our little Alfie used to sleep on the back step with Benjamin bunny. They were best mates.
Dr.Pepper |
Charlie |
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Snoop |
But I wouldn't be without him!
It's great to have a dog....they just love you unconditionally!
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
What's on your plate today?
My plate was served in a new restaurant with great friends and a good laugh. Can there be any better?
Six of us dined at "Big spoon, Little spoon" tonight and we had a great time!
We laughed a great deal before ordering our meals and shared a few jokes at our ignorance over the culinary terms set out on the menu. Were we having lamb's arse if we ordered assiante of lamb? Was the entree a character or a charcuterie? What sort of cheeks were served with the pork belly and cheeks? How was one tiny pat of butter meant to serve all six of us? Could you lick your finger before dipping it in the salt and pepper dipping bowl?
Then we continued to chat and giggle over the main course and had almost decided not to have dessert when the waitress mentioned that the 'plate' of apple and pear crumble was "this big!" Well, John and Rick were very quick to change their minds then! So of course, not to be outdone, us four girls just had to follow suit and order the chocolate.
The biggest laugh came when the plate of crumble came out...and yes, there was a very large 'plate' but on top of the large plate was a small bowl holding the dessert! Very funny!
And very yummy!
My plate was served in a new restaurant with great friends and a good laugh. Can there be any better?
Six of us dined at "Big spoon, Little spoon" tonight and we had a great time!
We laughed a great deal before ordering our meals and shared a few jokes at our ignorance over the culinary terms set out on the menu. Were we having lamb's arse if we ordered assiante of lamb? Was the entree a character or a charcuterie? What sort of cheeks were served with the pork belly and cheeks? How was one tiny pat of butter meant to serve all six of us? Could you lick your finger before dipping it in the salt and pepper dipping bowl?
Then we continued to chat and giggle over the main course and had almost decided not to have dessert when the waitress mentioned that the 'plate' of apple and pear crumble was "this big!" Well, John and Rick were very quick to change their minds then! So of course, not to be outdone, us four girls just had to follow suit and order the chocolate.
The biggest laugh came when the plate of crumble came out...and yes, there was a very large 'plate' but on top of the large plate was a small bowl holding the dessert! Very funny!
And very yummy!
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
I started a blog about addictions here and have just deleted it to start again. It was too depressing and it was going nowhere!! So, let's try again. Mind you, in this family, it is hard to avoid the unpleasant side of addiction.
I know I am addicted to my family even though I also know that I don't have an addictive personality. I couldn't be without my family so therefore it must be an addiction.
I think some people are more prone to addiction than others and it is very difficult to understand it when you don't have it in you!
John is addicted to smoking! I wish he wasn't as it worries me that the associated diseases are so nasty and unpleasant. Will we have to watch him go through that? It's not something I like to think about but it lurks in the back of my mind like a dark cloud hovering. I have lost too many family members to contemplate losing another.
I think Sian, like many young people of her generation, is addicted to her mobile phone. She can't be without it, even at night. She is able to put it on silent while she sleeps but young people seem to be able to hear it even when it doesn't ring or buzz.
But, I love MY addiction!!!
I know I am addicted to my family even though I also know that I don't have an addictive personality. I couldn't be without my family so therefore it must be an addiction.
I think some people are more prone to addiction than others and it is very difficult to understand it when you don't have it in you!
John is addicted to smoking! I wish he wasn't as it worries me that the associated diseases are so nasty and unpleasant. Will we have to watch him go through that? It's not something I like to think about but it lurks in the back of my mind like a dark cloud hovering. I have lost too many family members to contemplate losing another.
I think Sian, like many young people of her generation, is addicted to her mobile phone. She can't be without it, even at night. She is able to put it on silent while she sleeps but young people seem to be able to hear it even when it doesn't ring or buzz.
But, I love MY addiction!!!
Monday, 16 July 2012
I have had this topic before and again I am going to use photos of signs as the basis for my blog. This first photo sums up my housekeeping skills. My house is not dirty but it's never spotlessly clean or tidy. I like to think of it as 'lived in' and 'comfortable'. Have you ever visited someone whose house is so spotless that you feel nervous just sitting on their couch or leaving a cup on the bench? I have!! I hate it!

The other day John, Sian and I travelled to Melbourne to the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages. We had to 'sign' several forms and pieces of paper to legally change our names. The funny part about it is that we had to change our names from John and Ann-Maree Van Berlo to John and Ann-Maree Van Berlo. How silly!!! And we had to pay $200 to keep the names we have always had!!
You see, when John's parents and brothers arrived in Australia in 1956 they lived for a while in an immigration centre where nearly everyone was from the Netherlands. The mail was given out in alphabetical order so the 'Van' was dropped as everyone started with 'v'. The Van Berlo's became the Berlo family. Not long after they had left the centre, Wim and Nelly had a little Aussie baby whom they named Johnny. Thus John's birth certificate stated that he was Johnny Berlo.
However, his parents put the Van back onto their name when John was still a baby and he has always been known as John Van Berlo. Sounds convoluted but it's a true story.
John was unaware of this anomoly until we opened our marriage certificate a few years ago and realised that although our children were legally Van Berlo's...we weren't! If we had wanted to travel overseas we would have been denied passports because of this name difference. We simply had to sign papers and produce evidence to state that we were known in the community as Van Berlo.
Easy but expensive!
I also love funny 'signs":

The other day John, Sian and I travelled to Melbourne to the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages. We had to 'sign' several forms and pieces of paper to legally change our names. The funny part about it is that we had to change our names from John and Ann-Maree Van Berlo to John and Ann-Maree Van Berlo. How silly!!! And we had to pay $200 to keep the names we have always had!!
You see, when John's parents and brothers arrived in Australia in 1956 they lived for a while in an immigration centre where nearly everyone was from the Netherlands. The mail was given out in alphabetical order so the 'Van' was dropped as everyone started with 'v'. The Van Berlo's became the Berlo family. Not long after they had left the centre, Wim and Nelly had a little Aussie baby whom they named Johnny. Thus John's birth certificate stated that he was Johnny Berlo.
However, his parents put the Van back onto their name when John was still a baby and he has always been known as John Van Berlo. Sounds convoluted but it's a true story.
John was unaware of this anomoly until we opened our marriage certificate a few years ago and realised that although our children were legally Van Berlo's...we weren't! If we had wanted to travel overseas we would have been denied passports because of this name difference. We simply had to sign papers and produce evidence to state that we were known in the community as Van Berlo.
Easy but expensive!
I also love funny 'signs":
Sunday, 15 July 2012
This is a great photo of "the finger" as it was given to whoever held the camera. Jake is sitting beside his two best mates. It is a great shot but "the finger" was probably only meant in jest.
Sian, however, has been known to give 'the finger' without even using her fingers. In Year 7, as a little freshman at 'the big school' she stood in front of a boy who was a little bit different, as he was being targeted by a group of older boys. They were hurling apples at him from an embankment up above. She told them in no uncertain terms to "leave him alone!". There was no thought of what could have happened to herself, she just stood her ground in protection of the hapless victim. Now that's putting you"finger" up at bullying!!!
As a baby Sian loved her food and would quite often shovel it in, fingers and all!!
Both my children have very long, bony fingers. Jake's fingers were very misshapen from too many dislocations and a crooked little finger from a bad break in a football mishap.
Sian has very long fingers and beautifully manicured and polished fingernails.She spends a lot of time grooming them and making sure they are well-presented and healthy.
Not bad for someone who used to bite them as a child!!
Saturday, 14 July 2012
I think life is all about 'building' memories so that when we leave this world the people we leave behind have something upon which to base their own values and beliefs, laughter and tears. So, no matter what we do, whether it be good or bad, clumsy or precise, funny or serious it is going to form a memory in somebody's mind. A sobering thought in some ways! But I now know that ALL actions are worth remembering....even the little, tiny seemingly insignificant and 'naughty' ones.
I remember Sian and Jake building cubby houses out of blankets and cardboard boxes when they were little. This was in the lounge room and they then decided that they would sleep in them that night. We wrongly presumed that Sian wouldn't even last an hour but it was the other way around!! Sian was still sound asleep in her cubby the next morning but Jake was tucked up in his bed...he always loved his creature comforts!!
I remember Jake and Gossy 'building' volcanoes in the driveway when they were in Grade 2 or 3. It kept them amused for ages...and then a few years later they were 'building' paper planes and flying them from the back deck at The Goss residence in Elizabeth Street. They had such fun together...building a friendship and a world of memories!!
I remember building our house in Baw Baw Drive and loving every aspect of the process involved. I would do it all again...if I could be bothered moving!!
But, I love this house we live in now and intend on 'building' a thousand more memories here!!
I remember Sian and Jake building cubby houses out of blankets and cardboard boxes when they were little. This was in the lounge room and they then decided that they would sleep in them that night. We wrongly presumed that Sian wouldn't even last an hour but it was the other way around!! Sian was still sound asleep in her cubby the next morning but Jake was tucked up in his bed...he always loved his creature comforts!!
I remember Jake and Gossy 'building' volcanoes in the driveway when they were in Grade 2 or 3. It kept them amused for ages...and then a few years later they were 'building' paper planes and flying them from the back deck at The Goss residence in Elizabeth Street. They had such fun together...building a friendship and a world of memories!!
I remember building our house in Baw Baw Drive and loving every aspect of the process involved. I would do it all again...if I could be bothered moving!!
But, I love this house we live in now and intend on 'building' a thousand more memories here!!
Friday, 13 July 2012
I pride myself in always having a very 'open' and conversational relationship with both Sian and Jake.
Sian, in particular, has always felt that she could talk to me about anything and I believe she still does.
Sometimes though, in those early teen years, I often felt proud and a little nervous at the same time, as she loudly regaled us with stories of her first kiss and other such landmark events in all their gory detail!!
This openness wasn't just reserved for me!! Her primary school teachers (my colleagues) still have a little giggle now and then about her 'open' temperament. As they say, you always knew where you stood with Sian!! You still do!
I think it is a great trait...especially now that she has learned to control it and use it to advantage!! No-one will ever walk all over my girl!!
Although Jake went through that adolescent boy "Neanderthal" grunt stage from about the age of 15 through to 17, he became quite open with both John and I in his latter years. Again, I feel proud that he felt able to confide in us and speak of the things which were troubling him, or of which he himself was proud. This openness has definitely helped our healing process as we are able to state, without reservation, that Jake enjoyed his life...he often spoke about his feelings and his love of many aspects of his world. It eases the pain of losing one so close!
Sian, in particular, has always felt that she could talk to me about anything and I believe she still does.
Sometimes though, in those early teen years, I often felt proud and a little nervous at the same time, as she loudly regaled us with stories of her first kiss and other such landmark events in all their gory detail!!
This openness wasn't just reserved for me!! Her primary school teachers (my colleagues) still have a little giggle now and then about her 'open' temperament. As they say, you always knew where you stood with Sian!! You still do!
I think it is a great trait...especially now that she has learned to control it and use it to advantage!! No-one will ever walk all over my girl!!
Although Jake went through that adolescent boy "Neanderthal" grunt stage from about the age of 15 through to 17, he became quite open with both John and I in his latter years. Again, I feel proud that he felt able to confide in us and speak of the things which were troubling him, or of which he himself was proud. This openness has definitely helped our healing process as we are able to state, without reservation, that Jake enjoyed his life...he often spoke about his feelings and his love of many aspects of his world. It eases the pain of losing one so close!
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Texture can evoke such raw emotions in our lives.
Take, for example, the shaggy rug in our lounge room. It is soft and messy and thick and silky and a warm, soft reminder of a boy and a dog play-fighting and wrestling before falling asleep in each other's arms.
And what about a feather doona? It feels at once smooth and old and 'veiny'. But it brings to mind a grown-up, 'little' girl with constantly moving fingers and a worried tongue. It feels warm and reassuring and homely!
Then there is the scratchy, stubbly feeling of being kissed by my Dad. As a child I remember laughing and pulling away from his embrace as he chased us all in order to deliver more scratchy cuddles. Now, they feel a little less prickly and are warmly welcomed even if the chase has gone.
Take, for example, the shaggy rug in our lounge room. It is soft and messy and thick and silky and a warm, soft reminder of a boy and a dog play-fighting and wrestling before falling asleep in each other's arms.
And what about a feather doona? It feels at once smooth and old and 'veiny'. But it brings to mind a grown-up, 'little' girl with constantly moving fingers and a worried tongue. It feels warm and reassuring and homely!
Then there is the scratchy, stubbly feeling of being kissed by my Dad. As a child I remember laughing and pulling away from his embrace as he chased us all in order to deliver more scratchy cuddles. Now, they feel a little less prickly and are warmly welcomed even if the chase has gone.
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Whilst looking for important documents to assist in my name change (which finally happened today!!) I found some letters which were written by my kids when they were younger. I'm so glad I kept them as they each tell a story of their personality at the time they were written.
These first letters are written by Sian:
As you can see she was kind of cute!!! ... and then kind of angry (especially when we had occasion to ground her!! She was always extremely remorseful afterwards though, but she never suffered her punishments in silence!!
I love different things in each of these letters.
In the first letter, she has attached a little piece of paper which tells me that I am "now in the sexy girls club"!! Woo hoo!!
The next letter paints a picture of me as an ogre as it is thanking me for 'letting' her get her hair cut!! I must have been particularly cruel at other times if I refused something as basic as a haircut!
The pink letter is inside a home-made Mothers Day card and shows the 20cents that she proudly gave me. Priceless!!
And then came the temperamental years...thank God she was a gorgeous teenager and all this rot stopped a bit before her thirteenth birthday!!
These letters are very funny though! The larger of the two is an apology letter and I love the part that lists what she has done wrong...
"A. been a shit"
"B. can't think of what to say"
The last one was probably the last one of this nature that we received. Sian was about 11 or 12. Don't you just love the capitalized "EXPECT"?
I love her to pieces...Life will never be boring while Sian is in it!!
The next letters were written by Jake. He pasted the first two on the front of the letter box on the day of my birthday. He was in Grade Prep! The final letter was written during a computer class in Grade One...he really was friendly with Shane but it does display the sense of humour that Jake had even at that age!
These first letters are written by Sian:
As you can see she was kind of cute!!! ... and then kind of angry (especially when we had occasion to ground her!! She was always extremely remorseful afterwards though, but she never suffered her punishments in silence!!
I love different things in each of these letters.
In the first letter, she has attached a little piece of paper which tells me that I am "now in the sexy girls club"!! Woo hoo!!
The next letter paints a picture of me as an ogre as it is thanking me for 'letting' her get her hair cut!! I must have been particularly cruel at other times if I refused something as basic as a haircut!
The pink letter is inside a home-made Mothers Day card and shows the 20cents that she proudly gave me. Priceless!!
And then came the temperamental years...thank God she was a gorgeous teenager and all this rot stopped a bit before her thirteenth birthday!!
These letters are very funny though! The larger of the two is an apology letter and I love the part that lists what she has done wrong...
"A. been a shit"
"B. can't think of what to say"
The last one was probably the last one of this nature that we received. Sian was about 11 or 12. Don't you just love the capitalized "EXPECT"?
I love her to pieces...Life will never be boring while Sian is in it!!
The next letters were written by Jake. He pasted the first two on the front of the letter box on the day of my birthday. He was in Grade Prep! The final letter was written during a computer class in Grade One...he really was friendly with Shane but it does display the sense of humour that Jake had even at that age!
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
I really love autumn colours!! I think the mix of golds and reds and oranges and browns are just beautiful!!
We have been lucky enough to move to a house where the established garden is a riot of these colours in the Autumn months. The maples turn to shades of red and orange, the Forest Pansy turns a deep purple and the fruit trees let go of their yellow and orange artwork.
My boys love blue!! In his youth John wore a lot of aqua blue shirts and blue jumpers. He always had a lovely tan to highlight these colours and they looked good! Jake took after his Dad in that he loved the same colours. He liked to wear aqua colours in the summer months and had the matching tan as well!!
These days John doesn't develop quite as much of a tan, although it's still better than mine, and he usually chooses shirts in varying shades of demure grey!
Sian has always loved colour! She would go for bright blocks of colour or rainbow patterns as a child but still names pink as her favourite!!
We have been lucky enough to move to a house where the established garden is a riot of these colours in the Autumn months. The maples turn to shades of red and orange, the Forest Pansy turns a deep purple and the fruit trees let go of their yellow and orange artwork.
My boys love blue!! In his youth John wore a lot of aqua blue shirts and blue jumpers. He always had a lovely tan to highlight these colours and they looked good! Jake took after his Dad in that he loved the same colours. He liked to wear aqua colours in the summer months and had the matching tan as well!!
These days John doesn't develop quite as much of a tan, although it's still better than mine, and he usually chooses shirts in varying shades of demure grey!
Sian has always loved colour! She would go for bright blocks of colour or rainbow patterns as a child but still names pink as her favourite!!
Monday, 9 July 2012
It was a 'big' day today!!
It started early this morning when our bouncy, little ray of sunshine arrived to be minded by her aunty and her cousins. Milena is always delightfully funny, eternally cheerful and never shuts up!! It's well worth the endless stories and songs and childrens videos though, when she turns around and says, "I love you, Annie!"
Then we went to a very 'big' funeral for a very 'strong' woman. Sue passed away after a long and gruelling illness. In the 6 or 7 years since she was diagnosed with cancer I never once heard her complain and yet she was open and honest about her symptoms and we all knew that she suffered. She had a 'big' heart and always worried about others before she worried about herself. Her beautiful children seem to have inherited this 'big'-heartedness. Through experience, I know that having a 'big' extended family around them will be solace in the days and months to come.
I also discovered why living in a 'big' country town is so lovely!! Many, many people were concerned with how I was handling today's funeral. The day was not about me and yet even the funeral director put his arm around me and asked if I was ok, the school principal gave me a hug, parents of children I have taught enquired about my welfare. Yes, I did many, many people and yes, parts of the day were very close to home but, that sort of care and concern would not happen in the 'big' city!
Then I came home and vacuumed the floor and, in the process, I knocked my crystal candlesticks off the coffee table and broke them both!!! I lost it 'big' time!!! They are the source of the beautiful rainbows that light up my lounge room each morning and make me feel like my Jake is with me!! I know it's silly and I now feel like a 'big' idiot for losing it over material possessions!
To top off a 'big' day we are having supper with people who have become a 'big' part of our lives...Amber, Jo and Rick are paying us a visit!
What a lovely way to end a BIG day!!!
It started early this morning when our bouncy, little ray of sunshine arrived to be minded by her aunty and her cousins. Milena is always delightfully funny, eternally cheerful and never shuts up!! It's well worth the endless stories and songs and childrens videos though, when she turns around and says, "I love you, Annie!"
Then we went to a very 'big' funeral for a very 'strong' woman. Sue passed away after a long and gruelling illness. In the 6 or 7 years since she was diagnosed with cancer I never once heard her complain and yet she was open and honest about her symptoms and we all knew that she suffered. She had a 'big' heart and always worried about others before she worried about herself. Her beautiful children seem to have inherited this 'big'-heartedness. Through experience, I know that having a 'big' extended family around them will be solace in the days and months to come.
I also discovered why living in a 'big' country town is so lovely!! Many, many people were concerned with how I was handling today's funeral. The day was not about me and yet even the funeral director put his arm around me and asked if I was ok, the school principal gave me a hug, parents of children I have taught enquired about my welfare. Yes, I did many, many people and yes, parts of the day were very close to home but, that sort of care and concern would not happen in the 'big' city!
Then I came home and vacuumed the floor and, in the process, I knocked my crystal candlesticks off the coffee table and broke them both!!! I lost it 'big' time!!! They are the source of the beautiful rainbows that light up my lounge room each morning and make me feel like my Jake is with me!! I know it's silly and I now feel like a 'big' idiot for losing it over material possessions!
To top off a 'big' day we are having supper with people who have become a 'big' part of our lives...Amber, Jo and Rick are paying us a visit!
What a lovely way to end a BIG day!!!
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Lunch is probably the least important meal in this house. It's usually a get-your-own affair and is sometimes even forgotten completely if I'm home on my own.
However, in recent days I have had occasion to share some lovely lunches. Last weekend I met with many, many cousins from my Dad's side of the family and we enjoyed a lovely tapas lunch at Middels.
The day after that I had a mini-reunion with five friends who used to go to Neerim South High School with me. We are organising a year-level reunion for later in the year but it was great to have them all here for lunch.
Sian and I are both on holidays so we have had a few lunchtime forays but she also took me out for a very light lunch on my birthday!! I love her to pieces!!
However, in recent days I have had occasion to share some lovely lunches. Last weekend I met with many, many cousins from my Dad's side of the family and we enjoyed a lovely tapas lunch at Middels.
The day after that I had a mini-reunion with five friends who used to go to Neerim South High School with me. We are organising a year-level reunion for later in the year but it was great to have them all here for lunch.
Sian and I are both on holidays so we have had a few lunchtime forays but she also took me out for a very light lunch on my birthday!! I love her to pieces!!
Saturday, 7 July 2012
My Mum and Dad will be laughing just reading the title of this blog! They know that I really don't have green thumbs and that the only things I will have in my garden are things that are self-sufficient. But, on days like today, when the sun finally decides to shine after weeks of rain, it is nice to just get out there and enjoy it.
Today, John dealt with the weeds while I cut back the seaside daisies (a very hardy survivor) and swept up the mulch chips that the dog had spread all over the paving.
In our garden we have many deciduous trees which, of course, are bare at the moment. I love deciduous trees, mostly because of the colour they provide in Autumn and Spring. We have several camellias of different varieties and some fruit trees. Our lemon tree produces hundreds of lemons all year is amazing! Of course, we have only lived here for a year so we can't lay claim to most of the growth in our garden. But, my favourite tree of all is a Forest Pansy which seems to have survived a bit of a scare from the heat of summer and which we have planted right in the middle of the garden where it can be seen from the kitchen and the lounge room.
Snoop (our little Maltese ShihTzu) just loves the little hedges. He pushes himself in and out of the rows of hedges spreading the mulch all over the place. I'm not sure what the fascination is...I think there are little skinks living under the hedges, or it could just be the rustling of the leaves as he is not the brightest!
A garden on a sunny day, even in the middle of winter, is good for the soul!!!
Today, John dealt with the weeds while I cut back the seaside daisies (a very hardy survivor) and swept up the mulch chips that the dog had spread all over the paving.
In our garden we have many deciduous trees which, of course, are bare at the moment. I love deciduous trees, mostly because of the colour they provide in Autumn and Spring. We have several camellias of different varieties and some fruit trees. Our lemon tree produces hundreds of lemons all year is amazing! Of course, we have only lived here for a year so we can't lay claim to most of the growth in our garden. But, my favourite tree of all is a Forest Pansy which seems to have survived a bit of a scare from the heat of summer and which we have planted right in the middle of the garden where it can be seen from the kitchen and the lounge room.
Snoop (our little Maltese ShihTzu) just loves the little hedges. He pushes himself in and out of the rows of hedges spreading the mulch all over the place. I'm not sure what the fascination is...I think there are little skinks living under the hedges, or it could just be the rustling of the leaves as he is not the brightest!
A garden on a sunny day, even in the middle of winter, is good for the soul!!!
This picture was taken in greener months and shows John on his old ride-on mower.
Friday, 6 July 2012
Tonight I sit relaxing in 'my' chair at the end of a lovely day. I turned 55 today and was able to celebrate with some very special family members. But, I also had some time by myself, while John and Sian were at work, to sit in my chair and be thankful for many magic moments in my 55 years.
I was brought up in a family where we were all treated with love and fairness. We were taught the meaning of equality by living it. We learned to share because its just what you do in a large family anyway. We laughed a lot and learned to laugh at ourselves and with each other. We shared the joys of family with one another as we started our own adult lives and had children of our own.
I am extremely fortunate to have a family who has travelled beside me as I traversed lifes highs and lows.
I have been lucky enough to have married a man who loves me as much as I love him and who has helped to produce four beautiful children.
My 'chair' may have changed several times over the years but it has given me solace in times of grief. It has coddled me as I fed Sian and then Jake in the wee small hours of their infancy. It has held me as I held my children and hugged them in times of need. It has listened patiently as I chatted to my sisters on the phone. It has valiantly collected the crumbs of toast deposited each morning as Jake ate his breakfast in it.
My chair has helped me realise the truth in the words, "It is better to haved loved and lost, than never to have loved at all".
I was brought up in a family where we were all treated with love and fairness. We were taught the meaning of equality by living it. We learned to share because its just what you do in a large family anyway. We laughed a lot and learned to laugh at ourselves and with each other. We shared the joys of family with one another as we started our own adult lives and had children of our own.
I am extremely fortunate to have a family who has travelled beside me as I traversed lifes highs and lows.
I have been lucky enough to have married a man who loves me as much as I love him and who has helped to produce four beautiful children.
My 'chair' may have changed several times over the years but it has given me solace in times of grief. It has coddled me as I fed Sian and then Jake in the wee small hours of their infancy. It has held me as I held my children and hugged them in times of need. It has listened patiently as I chatted to my sisters on the phone. It has valiantly collected the crumbs of toast deposited each morning as Jake ate his breakfast in it.
My chair has helped me realise the truth in the words, "It is better to haved loved and lost, than never to have loved at all".
Thursday, 5 July 2012
The floor has always been a very important part of all our homes!
It hasn't mattered which house we lived in, whether it was the carpeted bathroom floor of our rental house in Coburg, the slate floor in our first renovation, the tiles of our first and only build or the polished timber floor of our current home.
Our floors have seen babies crawl and roll on them.
They've been 'under cover' in all of Sian's rooms.
They've accumulated food wrappers and drink containers beside Jake's chairs.
They've been piddled on by puppies.
They have seen more dust than they would have in any other house.
They have seen more lint balls than the Texan dust bowl.
They have had reports and weekly classroom preparation papers spread all over them.
They have had a multitude of footwear stamped all over them.
But, above all, they have been a base upon which our family memories have been built.
It hasn't mattered which house we lived in, whether it was the carpeted bathroom floor of our rental house in Coburg, the slate floor in our first renovation, the tiles of our first and only build or the polished timber floor of our current home.
Our floors have seen babies crawl and roll on them.
They've been 'under cover' in all of Sian's rooms.
They've accumulated food wrappers and drink containers beside Jake's chairs.
They've been piddled on by puppies.
They have seen more dust than they would have in any other house.
They have seen more lint balls than the Texan dust bowl.
They have had reports and weekly classroom preparation papers spread all over them.
They have had a multitude of footwear stamped all over them.
But, above all, they have been a base upon which our family memories have been built.
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
This is my first post in my new blog. I have called these blog pages "the Some of me" as I will be talking about 'some' of the people and events in my life that help make me who I am. I will continue to use the Photo a Day topics listed each month on the @fatmumslim website as my source of inspiration, as having a topic provided makes me think outside the square.
Today the topic is "Fun" and I have just received news that an amazingly strong and beautiful 'friend' passed away overnight.
But, after the tears and despair that accompany us in our initial stages of grief, it is the 'fun' times we hold on to the most.
Each year, at this time, eight of us would get together to hold our annual birthday luncheon. These mini reunions were always full of the fun of seeing each other again to talk about our past year, our work and, mostly, our beautiful children.
Of the eight, four of us are cousins and five of us all have our birthdays within 3 weeks of each other. But our birthdays are insignificant. It has always been a 'fun' excuse to get together with people we love and to enjoy a good meal.
Sadly, Sue was too ill to come to this year's get-together, which was held last Sunday, but she was always the one who looked forward to it the most. Many of our other cousins insisted on joining us so our 'luncheon' grew into a full-blown cousin's reunion. There were 34 of us!!!
Sue, you would have have had such 'fun'!!
I look at recent photos of this beautiful lady and see the 'fun' times provided by her lively, little 3 year old grand daughter. Since losing our son we have found our little niece and cousin, Milena, to be the best medicine of all! She makes us laugh and keeps us all on our toes just wondering what she will come out with next. I'm so glad that Sue got to have 'fun' with her grandchildren and I know that they will be a source of comfort and smiles to her family in the days to come.
Rest in Peace lovely lady xxx
Today the topic is "Fun" and I have just received news that an amazingly strong and beautiful 'friend' passed away overnight.
But, after the tears and despair that accompany us in our initial stages of grief, it is the 'fun' times we hold on to the most.
Each year, at this time, eight of us would get together to hold our annual birthday luncheon. These mini reunions were always full of the fun of seeing each other again to talk about our past year, our work and, mostly, our beautiful children.
Of the eight, four of us are cousins and five of us all have our birthdays within 3 weeks of each other. But our birthdays are insignificant. It has always been a 'fun' excuse to get together with people we love and to enjoy a good meal.
Sadly, Sue was too ill to come to this year's get-together, which was held last Sunday, but she was always the one who looked forward to it the most. Many of our other cousins insisted on joining us so our 'luncheon' grew into a full-blown cousin's reunion. There were 34 of us!!!
Sue, you would have have had such 'fun'!!
I look at recent photos of this beautiful lady and see the 'fun' times provided by her lively, little 3 year old grand daughter. Since losing our son we have found our little niece and cousin, Milena, to be the best medicine of all! She makes us laugh and keeps us all on our toes just wondering what she will come out with next. I'm so glad that Sue got to have 'fun' with her grandchildren and I know that they will be a source of comfort and smiles to her family in the days to come.
Rest in Peace lovely lady xxx
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