It's Concert time at school at the moment!!... the bane of most teachers!!!
Our concert is not for another 3 weeks but already its time to have planned what your little darlings are going to do and put the plan into action!!
I seem to have had no trouble deciding what to do this year but that is the easy part!
I decided to have all of the children play the part of grannies and grandpas. Then I wanted to have them singing "When I'm 64" by the Beatles. To add a bit of interest I've broken the song up into two parts and taken out the slower bit in the middle. Then I have inserted exerpts from Margaret Wild's "Our granny" into the middle.
All that is also fine!! The kids love the song and have learned the words very quickly! The girls are keen to do the "Our Granny" bit and should cope quite well with that!!
BUT... our first few rehearsals have been a disaster!!!!
They can sing the song, they can say the words but they can't follow directions on the stage!!
In order that everyone had a turn at the front of the stage I had two lines of boys at the front to start with. All they had to do was sing the song with a few basic actions and then follow the leader to the back line so that the next line could move forward. But, they couldn't follow the leader!!! One boy who had not had enough sleep stood there and stared into space, another boy stopped to chat to a mate on the way, and then a boy from the second row decided to follow the first row and I ended up with no boys at the front and half of them milling around at the back wondering where to go! (They had been shown a number of times!!) Several practices later and nothing had improved!!! Back to the drawing board!!!
Today I put them into ONE long boring line with the boys interspersed with the girls!! Each child has a walking stick to use as their ONLY prop and ... it worked!! We have a long way to go but they managed to sing the song, say the words, do a couple of basic actions and stay in line!!! Woohoo!!
I will try to introduce a couple more actions once they have got these simple actions down pat and then I will totally be relying on "the cute factor" and the PowerPoint presentation I have decided to have showing behind them to detract from their ineptness...or is it mine??? Sounds more like it!! Concert!!!... definitely NOT my forte!!
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